Thursday, May 31, 2012

Blog Lovin!

The Waterboy (1998) Photo Source
(the photo will make sense by the end of the post)

So during this last corporate Pentecost Fast (see Acts 2), I purposefully spent a whole lot less time online looking at blogs and especially YouTube videos. I found myself so absorbed in other people's lives and really just zoning out when I needed to reconnect with God and be more focused on things He would have me do, as well as things I enjoy... like reading actual books. Paper and glue books. There's something lovely about flipping a physical page.

I used to read all the time when I was a kid, and then gave it up as other stuff took priority. Right now I'm about halfway through Kim Cash Tate's Christian fiction novel, Heavenly Places. It's soooo good. I hate that I can relate so much to the main character, but it's helping me [see myself] through a unique lens.

This season we each chose at least two things: one thing/habit to sacrifice (things hindering our walk with God), and one thing to give as an offering to God. A few weeks in, one of my pastors asked, "So when the fast ends, does that mean we should resume all those activities we sacrificed? In the word of God, do people take back their sacrifice?" And I had to admit, from everything I've read and studied... nope.  You don't get it back. Once it's gone, it's gone for good.

Interestingly, it's been almost a week now since the fast ended and I still haven't been back on YouTube. I really haven't even felt much of a pull to watch. Yes, there are certain bloggers I want to catch up on eventually, but it hasn't been as pressing as connecting in-real-life with sisters and brothers in my immediate space.  I'll probably hop on this weekend, just because I need to submit another product review, but it won't be the same as before.


Well, in the process of being sort-of away from the online community, I didn't realize fellow blogger Dark Yet Lovely gave me this adorable award a few weeks ago:

So sweet of her!  It's one of those gifts which keeps on giving. 
Here's how it works...

Thank and link to the person who awarded you.
Award this to 15 bloggers.
List 7 random facts about yourself.

First of all, thank you, Dark Yet Lovely (Jennifer)!  

I award this to the following bloggers 
(who I hope read my blog?... errr-uhh).  If nothing else, here's a list of blogs I'm frequenting as of late and you might even find a new one to like and follow!

1. Glynnis Whitwer - Discovering peace and beauty one moment at a time
2. Savvy Brown - One woman's journey to a greener, healthier life... on a budget!
3. Her Best Hair - Hairstyles, Hair Talk, Hair Care (and more)
4. Mocha Dad - Fatherhood Lessons for Modern Men
5. Making It Lovely - Living a stylish life and transforming the so-so
6. CIAAfrique - Fashion-Beauty-Style
7. Glamazini - Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Nappyness
8. Adventures in Neverland - Sara (enough said!)
9. Life in Grace - kicking it old school
10. The 36th Avenue - Decor - Crafts - Recipes - Tutorials
11. AlisaBurke - Redefine Creativity
12. One Good Thing by Jillee - (please read her about me section... just, wow.)
13. Christian Women Blogging - (the title says it all.)
14. Surprised by Life - Brooke McGlothlin (she gets me every time!)
15. Sip-n-Wear - Joyce, wife and mom

Whew! That list took longer than I expected. It's hard to whittle it down to only 15. 
And now...

 Seven Random Things about Me:

1. Lately, I've noticed God is making me whole in a completely different way.
Just one persona, not a bunch of versions or masks of me for different sets of people to see, or a different me online than you'll meet in person. Just one.

2. My favorite dessert, hands down, is ice cream
Especially Blue Bell, which they just started selling, like, EVERYWHERE across the state of  North Carolina (finally).

3. I love living in North Carolina.
I always thought I'd end up back in Texas -- and of course, that could still happen -- but I really, really enjoy living in NC. 

4. When I paint my fingernails, the main reason is to avoid biting them!
It's a disgusting childhood habit. At least my nails look cute now.

5. Thunderstorms excite me.
I love to watch lightning and see the clouds swirling, but I still jump when I hear the thunder and close my eyes when it seems too close.

6. I tend to remember TV commercial jingles.
Do you remember the jingle for the 1980's My Buddy doll?
I know only one other person who knows the whole thing by heart. It's uncanny... and perhaps a bit strange.

7. The best (and longest) date I ever experienced was with the man who is now my husband.
We met in NYC's West Village, at Jamaican food, went window shopping, played pool, saw the movie Waterboy in the theatre on opening weekend, and met up with friends before going out dancing.  It was eight-hours of fun and we've been best friends ever since. :)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

My Past Few Weeks in Pics

You know how people say "time flies when you're having fun?" 
I'm at warp speed again!

My past few weeks in pictures:

My hydrangeas are finally blooming. Apparently they are pink (vs. blue) because I don't have a lot of aluminum in my soil. Is this a good thing? If you have a green thumb, please tell me.

For Mother's Day weekend, my husband surprised me with a two-day trip to Charlotte to see Esperanza Spalding!  She and her band are FANTASTIC live in concert. We sat on the second row. Her level of talent astounds me -- and all from such a tiny package! I snapped a couple of pictures of her during her encore, but I think they're on my husband's phone. Note: No kids yet, but we still honor one another as mother and father to-be, as well as to honor our relationships with all the children whose lives we are blessed to be a part of at church, extended family, etc.

While in the Queen City, we visited the Bechtler Museum of Modern Art, which is where you see the pic of that cool mirrored statue. There's plenty of art to see and touch downtown. After the museum run, we went to Mert's Heart & Soul for lunch. You can check out my review on Yelp.

My godson, P, decided he wanted to be baptized, so I drove out to see him and his family. Praise the Lord! 

We're still juicing almost every day about a month after seeing Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. If you haven't seen that movie yet, please go watch it on Hulu or Netflix. The accounts of the two men featured in the documentary -- and in particular, Phil's turnaround! -- was mind-blowing. See that little heart shaped apple? Happened by chance as I was cutting up fruit for fresh juice.

My friend and sister-in-Christ, M, graduated from UNC with her doctorate. Go Dr. M!!

I didn't take pics of the books I'm reading, because that's kind of ehhh, but another good sister-friend gave me some books to read by Kim Cash Tate -- Heavenly Places, Faithful, and Cherished. [Can't. Put. Them. Down!]