Monday, June 11, 2012

Do I really want long hair?

Sometimes, I'm just so over it. But then I get all excited when I'm able to do a bun. #thesagacontinues

The "long hair" topic is pretty popular in natural hair circles. Some ladies simply want to prove they can grow a long healthy head of natural afro-textured hair. Let me start by saying, it's definitely been proven... many times over.  The drive for long hair may be an even more fervent effort for anyone who struggled with length retention in general. When I first went big chopped waaaaaay back in the 90s (okay, back then it was just called a haircut), it seemed like being natural either meant sporting a very short afro or having locs. If there was something else, I didn't know about it. Hey, this was in Texas, the land of big hair and multi-colored extensions.

Back then, folks told me I looked like Dionne Farris, that fabulous vocal solo on Arrested Development's hit song of the era, Tennessee. Do you see a resemblance?
I think the top of her head is a little more square than mine, but we both have MASSIVE foreheads.

Some just like the look or the versatility that length provides. I fall into this latter category. I never had issues with growing my hair out when it was relaxed. Breakage wasn't an issue, but scalp burns and irritation were.

I am currently in what I call, the in-between length. My hair is long enough for twists, but just barely long enough to put into a bun or a ponytail holder. I can easily do side puffs, but then I look like a 30-year-old trying to pass for a middle school kid. NOT COOL.

I look at bloggers such as Newly Natural and Glamazini, and videos such as this one hour blow-dry by Apriluv7779 and anything by Longhairdontcare2011 and am enthralled.  They are just a few of many chronicling their natural hair journeys and providing great info to those of us who are interested in growing long, healthy natural hair. But sometimes, I consider my lifestyle and wonder if it's really for me. Will I spend hours fretting over styling? Seriously, I don't have HOURS upon end to spend doing hair, and that's part of the reason why I wanted to go natural in the first place -- too avoid spending a ton of time on it. In retrospect, I realize that concept was misguided. I believe no matter how you wear your hair, if you want it to thrive you will likely spend a certain amount time and a concerted effort to take good care of it.

Protective styling is OK, but I much prefer to wear my hair out, which according to some is not the way to grow long natural hair (though many do just fine without a ton of protective styles). BTW, if my livelihood depended on my ability to do cornrows, I would be in big trouble. I get this funky halo effect with any style which lays flat on my head.  Because my hair is fine and soft, it slides out of these types of styles easily and looks fuzzy by around Day 3.

Thankfully, I was reminded today by some blog or vlog that I should enjoy where I am in the natural hair journey at every moment, keeping in mind the various styles and joys we can experience at any given length. It's about having the right attitude. I needed to see that today. So for now, I'm pressing on.  Hmm, poor choice of words. I'm not pressing my actual hair. Haaaaa....

Wanna see what my hair looks like as of this week? Check out this recent video from my little YT channel:

...and here are a couple pics from tonight, including my huge regal forehead, plus my husband hovering over me, just DOUBLE-DOG DARING me to talk about cutting my hair. Don't worry, Mr. Chuckie, I'm not going to do it... today. Bah-haha-haaaa!

scary picture!

crazy lazy twist updo (strictly for around the house!)

Until next time, darlings, grace and peace...


glamazini said...

Great post and I actually agree, Do I really want long hair? LOL! Lately the answer is "not right now" which is why I've been cutting it off {to the chagrin of many but I'm ok with it}. Ultimately it's hair, it grows back, and in this season I don't need the length and actually look forward to having it shorter and what that brings. Thanks for the shout out :)

Unknown said...

Why thank you, Glamazini! I love, love, LOVE the creativity you're expressing with your hair as you chop sides and rock the warrior updos. So. fly.